Fast Two Player Code using RGBASM (or Fast OOP using RGBASM) Written by GeeBee With an addition by Otaku As an example, let's say you have an assembly language two player game that you are working on where the majority of the code for player one might be identical for player two. There are basically two ways of handling this: 1) Pass a pointer to these routines that points to the "object" structure that you wish to process. 2) Repeat all of these code routines using slightly different function/variable names. The advantage to using approach number 1 is that you can have two or more objects that share the same code routines. One disadvantage is the code will be slower than approach 2 because you have to access the object structure through a pointer. Also this pointer can tie up valuable GB registers which can cause longer/slower code due to fewer available registers. The advantage to using approach number 2 is that since your object data doesn't have to be accessed through a pointer the code can be much quicker which sometimes is very important on the limited GB/GBC platform. The disadvantages are that code must be repeated for each object (which can rapidly eat up ROM space for a large number of objects) and having several identical routines (with different function & variable names) is a big maintenance problem when the same changes need to be applied to each object. If you can get around the maintenance problems of approach number 2, this can be ideal in some cases where you need fast execution speed OR in cases where you have just finished coding a 1 player game and as an after-thought you decide to add 2 player support but you don't want to rewrite your code to use object pointers. RGBASM is powerful enough that you can eliminate the majority of the maintenance problems in this case. Here's example code: (The macro operator '@' is incremented with each macro included in your source code so this code needs to be compiled stand-alone and then linked with other code or you must guarantee that no macros are included before this code. The macro FOO below is only used to increment '@' from 0 to 1 so that the first object ends with _1 instead of _0.) ObjectX_1: DB ObjectY_1: DB ObjectX_2: DB ObjectY_2: DB FOO: MACRO db 0 ENDM ; Set Object X,Y coordinates to H,L OBJCODE: MACRO SetObjectPos\@: ld a,h ld [ObjectX\@],a ld a,l ld [ObjectY\@],a ret GetObjectPos\@: ld a,[ObjectX\@] ld h,a ld a,[ObjectY\@] ld l,a ret ENDM ; Include code for object #1 OBJCODE ; Include code for object #2 OBJCODE ; Set Object 1 coordinates to 0,0 ld hl,0 call SetObjectPos_1 ; Set Object 2 coordinates to 0,0 ld hl,0 call SetObjectPos_2 ; Return Object 1 coordinates in H,L call GetObjectPos_1 ; Return Object 2 coordinates in H,L call GetObjectPos_2 -- added by Otaku Using SET to point to the start of your object structure, and then calculating offsets into the object structure is a neater way of doing this, without having to worry about an idle use of MACRO incrementing the @ counter. So: Object1: DS 16 Object2: DS 16 RSRESET X_POS RB 2 Y_POS RB 2 HEALTH RB 1 ; assume that x & y are passed in BC & DE ; assume for this example that GB has the ability ; to move registers directly to memory without using ; the A register SetObjectPos: MACRO ObjectBase SET \1 LD [ObjectBase+X_POS],C LD [ObjectBase+X_POS+1],B LD [ObjectBase+Y_POS],E LD [ObjectBase+Y_POS+1],D PURGE ObjectBase ENDM SetObject1Pos: SetObjectPos Object1 RET SetObject2Pos: SetObjectPos Object2 RET